How to make Kratzete (A speciality from Baden)

Published on June 04, 2022

Kratzete – Kratzte is a speciality from Baden. This versatile side dish is usually served with German white asparagus in the Baden region. However, you can enjoy it sweet too!

Kratzete is a speciality from Baden, which is very similar to Austrian’s Kaiserschmarrn. Using only a few ingredients, you can make this simple yet delicious side dish.

I could not find an English name for Kratzete because there is no English name for it. Kratzete comes from the word kratzen, which mean scratch. This closest meaning is scratched pancakes, which implies that it will be torn in your pan.

This speciality is extremely popular during the white asparagus season because in my region, German Spargel is served with Kratzete, hollandaise sauce, Black Forest ham and ham – a perfect combination. Try it out to be convinced!

The reason why I prefer eating Kratzete with white asparagus to eating potatoes with Spargel because it does not feel heavy in your stomach. The different combination of textures in this asparagus dish is just fun to eat!

Tips on making Kratzete

  • Beat Egg White until stiff peaks is important. There is no additional leavening agent used in this speciality from Baden. Beaten egg whites are one of the reason why this torn pancake rises.
  • Sparkling water – This is the secret ingredient of my beloved mother-in-law. This is her secret to her irresistible and fluffy Kratzete. I usually use 2 parts of milk and 1 part of sparkling water in the recipe.
  • Instead of using vegetable oil, you can use butter or margarine to cook this speciality of Baden. 
  • Kratzete comes from the word kratzen, which mean scratch. It has to be cut into chucks while cooking, so do not worry if it did not turn out to be perfect. It is meant to be messy!

How to make Kratzete

  1. Separate the eggs into egg yolks and egg whites in 2 mixing bowls. 
  2. Beat egg whites using an electric mixer or with hands until stiff peaks.
  3. In the mixing bowl with egg yolks, add in all-purpose flour, salt, milk and sparkling water. 
  4. Add and mix gently beaten egg whites into the mixture. 
  5. In a frying pan, heat up 2 tablespoons of cooking oil over medium heat. Add in a thick layer (about 0.5cm) of Kratzete batter. There should enough batter for three layers of Kratzete.
  6. Flip the Kratzete over to another side, when one side turns slightly crispy and brown. The Kratzete will break apart, when flipped (it should be the way). 
  7. Cut Kratzete into medium size chunks. 
  8. Serve with ham, Spargel and hollandaise sauce

How to serve Kratzete

In the region where I live in, Kratzete is definitely served with German Spargel (white asparagus), hollandaise sauce and ham. This is the savoury version of this dish.

You can also serve this scratched pancake with apple sauce for a sweet version of this Baden speciality. My children adore Kratzete.

How to store Kratzete

Simply store Kratzete in an airtight container and keep it in a cool place. Reheat it in a frying pan, or eat it as it is with some apple sauce.

What is your favourite German food? What should I cook next? Tell me in the comment section below!

Until next time & guten Appetit!

Greetings from the Black Forest,

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Kratzete (a speciality from Baden)

Kratzte is a speciality from Baden. This versatile side dish is usually served with German white asparagus in the Baden region. However, you can enjoy it sweet too!
Prep Time15 minutes
Yield: 4

Ingredients you need

  • 3-5 Eggs
  • 250 g All-purpose Flour
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 200g g Milk
  • 100 g Sparkling Water


  • Separate the eggs into egg yolks and egg whites in 2 mixing bowls.
  • Beat egg whites using an electric mixer or with hands until stiff peaks
  • In the mixing bowl with egg yolks, add in all-purpose flour, salt, milk and sparkling water.
  • Add and mix gently beaten egg whites into the mixture.
  • In a frying pan, heat up 2 tablespoons of cooking oil over medium heat. Add in a thick layer (about 0.5cm) of Kratzete batter. There should enough batter for three layers of Kratzete.
  • Flip the Kratzete over to another side, when one side turns slightly crispy and brown. The Kratzete will break apart, when flipped (it should be the way).
  • Cut Kratzete into medium size chunks.
  • Serve with ham, Spargel and hollandaise sauce.

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