German Erdbeerkuchen (Strawberry Cake) - This strawberry cake can be whipped up within 15 minutes....
German Erdbeerkuchen (Strawberry Cake) - This strawberry cake can be whipped up within 15 minutes....
Erdbeerebäbli (Mashed strawberries yoghurt) - It is the best strawberry dessert we need for...
Creamy canned tuna pasta - A quick and easy lunch idea for busy days! Pasta recipes are great,...
Wiener Schnitzel - An easy and well-loved traditional dish from Austria! Here is another...
White asparagus cream soup (Spargelcremesuppe Rezept) - This creamy white asparagus soup is a...
Kratzete - Kratzte is a speciality from Baden. This versatile side dish is usually served with...
German noodle salad (Nudelsalat Rezept) – This quick and easy salad is perfect for the summer and...
Stuffed Bread Rolls with cheese and ham (Gefüllte Brötchen Rezept) – Cheese lovers watch out!...
Madeira wine sauce (Madeira Soße Rezept) - Do you want to know what is perfect? A simple beef...
German Lamb’s Lettuce Salad (Feldsalat Rezept) - This delicious salad is made up of a mild nutty...
Lingonberry sauce recipe for meat (Preiselbeeren Soße Rezept) - This sweet yet savoury sauce is...
Hot chocolate on sticks (Schokolöffel) - This is probably the easiest way to make hot chocolate...
Whole grain baby spelt bread recipe (baby led weaning) - This whole grain baby spelt bread recipe...
No sugar homemade jam for kids (Kinder Marmelade ohne Zucker) - This healthy homemade jam with...
German Apple Fritters (Apfelküchlein Rezept) - This is another easy German recipe from my...
German Sausage Salad (Wurstsalad) – This creamy and hearty Wurstsalat is perfect for those hot...
As sophiscated as it sounds, this easy Tomato Basil Cream Sauce is perfect for anyone who wants a...
Do you have those busy days, where cooking becomes a chore? Or having days, where you just do not...