Badisches Schäufele - Baden-style Smoked Pork Shoulder is one of the most famous dish from...
Badisches Schäufele - Baden-style Smoked Pork Shoulder is one of the most famous dish from...
German Beef Rouladen Recipe - One of the most famous and well-loved German dish! German beef...
Creamy canned tuna pasta - A quick and easy lunch idea for busy days! Pasta recipes are great,...
Wiener Schnitzel - An easy and well-loved traditional dish from Austria! Here is another...
Königsberger Klopse (German meatballs with creamy capers sauce) - Here is another classic German...
Traditional Black Forest Bibiliskäs - Making cheese at home does not need to be hard. With just a...
Traditional German Karthäuser Klöße - Here is another easy lunch recipe. These sweet bread rolls...
Lasagna bolognese recipe – This is my family favourite lasagna recipe. It is made with a good...
German leek pie with bacon (Lauchkuchen Rezept) – This simple German leek and bacon pie is very...
Stuffed Bread Rolls with cheese and ham (Gefüllte Brötchen Rezept) – Cheese lovers watch out!...
German Frikadellen (German Hamburgers) - These famous German meat patties remained moist and...
Lengua (Beef Tongue Recipe/ Rinderzunge Rezept) - This beef tongue with Madeira sauce recipe is...
Roasted Venison Recipe (Sauce Making) - This is part II of our roasted venison recipe. With this...
Roasted Venison Recipe (Reh Rezept) - This roasted venison recipe is a must-have during every game...
Creamy Bacon Pumpkin Sauce for Pasta (Cremige Kürbissoße für Pasta) - A fall without pumpkins...
German Sausage Salad (Wurstsalad) – This creamy and hearty Wurstsalat is perfect for those hot...
Ragu alla Bolognese – Famously known as Bolognese sauce is probably one of the most famous Italian...
As sophiscated as it sounds, this easy Tomato Basil Cream Sauce is perfect for anyone who wants a...
Do you have those busy days, where cooking becomes a chore? Or having days, where you just do not...